Your Sense of Self, Body Image, and Food
What progress, you ask, have I made? I have begun to be a friend to myself.
Do you have a love – hate relationship with food? You think about food a lot, love to eat, and sometimes it fills an emotional need. At times you’ve been teased about it. Maybe more than you’d like. You laugh and let it go, but some quips really sting. Social pressure. Social media. Influencers. Binging. Yo-yo dieting. Cravings. Restricting your food intake. Roller coaster emotions. Bloating. Horrible menstrual cycles. Sometimes no menstrual cycle. Lightheaded. Poor recall. Moodiness.
You’re tired of being so critical of yourself, of isolating because you fear you’ll be judged and rejected. This cycle is certainly not fun, it’s agonizing and not getting you what you want or where you want to be. You can’t keep doing the same old thing and expect a different result. You know you have to do something different to feel better.
You have so much that you want to accomplish. Feeling better will motivate you to pursue and manifest your desired goals.
It is possible to have a better relationship with yourself and food that will help you feel nurtured and well-fueled. You can feed your brain and body, and learn to feel good about yourself, no matter what your size and shape. I can help you empty the ‘head trash’ that keeps you stuck in patterns that rob your life force. You are not alone. Disordered eating can affect anyone, not just women. It is estimated that 30 million people of all ages, genders, racial and ethnic backgrounds, in the United States, suffer from some form of disordered eating. According to the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD), every 62 minutes a person dies from an eating disorder. This mental health condition is the second leading cause of fatalities. If you feel that you may be suffering from this very serious condition, please reach out for help. You are not alone and there are resources available to you right now (see below).
You can challenge, change, and manage thoughts and feelings about how you perceive yourself. You can recover your brilliance.
As a woman, I relate to your struggle and pain, having gone through and conquered similar issues. As an experienced psychotherapist, I can help you process, express, and learn to cope with your emotions. I can help you heal through your pain with active and compassionate listening and conversation, empathetic understanding, gentle and direct counseling, and psycho-education related to what you are going through. Together, let’s find that tad (or more) of humor that can be woven through any troubles, to encourage and ignite your inner resilience. You’ve got this.
Let’s talk, discuss your needs and goals, and come up with a plan that will help you be the you that you want to be. It would be my honor to partner with you on your journey.
National Eating Disorders
Bulimia and other eating disorder help/hotlines
Bright Heart Health Virtual Clinic, Petaluma, CA 1-800-892-2695
Equip Health Eating DO Treatment: Recovery at home
Within —Virtual Care for Eating DO
California Eating Disorder Treatment Centers - Eating Disorder Hope
ANAD —Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders
Support Groups: